Grammatical Man: Information, Entropy, Language and Life.
      The Story of the Modern Revolution in Human Thought

Pinguin Books (New York/Middlesex, England/Ringwood, Australia) 1984, English text 295 pp.

With the development of radar during the second world war, a new science was born - a science that is revolutionizing our way of looking at the world. Grammatical Man is the first book to tell the story of information theory: how its laws and discoveries are making controversial revisions to Darwinian evolution beginning to unravel the mysteries of language, memory and dreams, and stimulating provocative ideas n psychology, philosophy, art, music, computers and technology. As this exciting book makes clear, for the past few decades information theory has been evolving as a potent new science that, like chemistry of physics, provides a vital key to our understanding of ourselves and our world.


updated 1993