ALAN DIX, JANET FINLAY, GREGORY ABOWD, RUSSELL BEALE Human-Computer Interaction Prentice Hall (New York/London/Toronto) 1993, English text 542 pp.
Extensively researched to meet course requirements, this is an important new textbook in Human-Computer Interaction. It provides a multi-disciplinary perspective to the subject for undergraduate students in Human- Computer Interaction and Interface Design in Computer Science, Psychology and Cognitive Science department. Divided into three clear Parts, the book allows for the different backgrounds of students of HCI, assuming little prior knowledge of any of the relevant disciplines. Human-Computer Interaction features: - Thorough treatment of HCI from basic concepts to cutting-edge research issues - Computer Science and Psychology perspectives - Emphasis on practical applications as well as theory, including worked examples, exercises at all levels and suggested experiments - Structured text allowing for use in a complete HCI course or shorter single course units.