The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier

Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. (Reading, Mass./Menlo Park, Cal./NY) 1993, English text 300 pp.

In the Virtual Community, Howard Rheingold returns the focus of our attention to people, working back from this commercialized resent to the very beginnings of computer-mediated communication giving us the lay of the land before it was discovered by government and the corporate giants. What he reveals to us is a true electronic frontier of closely knit communities and a rich culture on-line, exchanging everything from scientific data to sexual fantasies, child-rearing tips, and free-ranging political opinions. Howard Rheingold is the ultimate insider on networked communication. Venturing out from his own neighborhoud on the the Bay Area "WELL", he gives us a tour of on-line culture in Japan, England, France and on small and large bulletin boards and networks throughout the United States.


updated 1993