I N F O - E C O - B O O K L I S T - Doors of Perception 3 (1995)
A Thousand Plateaus:
Capitalism & Schizophrenia
The Future of Work and Power

author: Guattari, Félix ; Deleuze , Gilles
publisher: The Athlone Press 1992 (first published 1988)
language: English text
pages: 579
tip from: Kristi van Riet
isbn: 0-485-12058-5
category: 3 - Behaviour / Culture

This book presents itself as a network of `plateaus' that are precisely dated, but can be read in any order. It deploys a complex technical vocabulary drawn from a wide range of disciplines in the sciences, mathematics and the humanities. Its authors recommend that you read it as you would listen to a record. The reader is invited to take an entire set of dynamics from the book and incarnate it in a foreign medium, whether it be painting or politics. The book is meant to be read as a challenge: to try open the vacant spaces that would enable you to build your life and those of the people around you into a plateau of intensity that would leave after-images of its dynamism, which could in turn be injected into still other lives, creating a fabric of heightened states between which any number, the greatest number, of connecting routes would exist. Some might call that promiscuous. Deleuze and Guattari call it revolution.

updated 1995