Doors of Perception 4   S P E E D   - B O O K L I S T -

Von Rhythmen und Eigenzeiten: Perspektiven eiener Ökologie der Zeit
by Karlheinz A. Geißler and Martin Held

Rhythm is a central development principle of living organisms. What we experience as the 'ecological crisis' is not in the least place the discrepancy between the Natural and cultural rhythms and the way they are restricted by the squeezing time schedule of modern progress. Technology and Economics, and the way they dominate - have pushed the time order of the living into a defense.

Comment: Contributors are: Barabara Adam, Dietrich Ebert, Wolfgang Engelmann, Karlheinz A. Geißler, Wolfgang Haber, Dietrich Henckel, Martin Held, Arthur E. Imhof, Klaus Kümmerer, Oskar Pastior, Christian-Dietrich Schönwiese, Peter Steiger.

Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Stuttgart ISBN 3-8047-1414-5 1995
SUBJECT rhythm, time, freedom, living organisms, nature German

Doors4 Category Ecology/Nature/Science
Recommendation Michiel Schwarz Rating 7


updated 1996