Doors of Perception 4   S P E E D   - B O O K L I S T -

Global Networks: Computers and International Communication
by Linda M. Harasim

'Global Networks' takes up the host of issues raised by the new networking technology that now links individuals, groups, and organizations in different countries and on different continents. The twenty-one contributions focus on the implementation, applicaton, and impact of computer-mediated communication in a global context. Previously limited to scientific research, computer networks now have an impact on social, educational, and business communications. Individuals with a personal computer, a modem, and some simple software can join a new social community that is based on interest, not location. 'Global Networks' provides an understanding of the issues, opportunities, and pitfalls of this new social connectivitey. It looks at how networking technology can support and augment communication and collaboration from such perspectives as policy constraints and opportunities, language differences, cross-cultural communication, and social network design.

First published in 1993

MIT Press Cambridge, MA ISBN 0-262-58137-X 1994
SUBJECT wide area networks (computer networks) - social aspects; telematics; computers and civilization; 1929 - English

Doors4 Category Information Technology/Media
Recommendation John Thackara Rating 8
John Thackara: 'Probably the best anthology I've read about online groupwork, excellent chapter on how 10,000 literature teachers collaborate online to enhance their real life classes.'


updated 1996