Doors of Perception 4   S P E E D   - B O O K L I S T -

Erfolgsprinzip Fortbewegung: Die Evolution des Laufens, Fliegens, Schwimmens und Grabens
by Josef H. Reichholf

Josef H. Reichholf tells the story of the ways we move ourselves: Why is the leopard the fastest sprinter? Why are dolphins such good swimmers? Can we see the development of different types of movement as the olympic games of Nature? This book comes up with suprising answers and new insights.

Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag Sachbuch München ISBN 3-423-30320-4 1992
SUBJECT movement development, nature, animals; evolution German

Doors4 Category Ecology/Nature/Science
Recommendation Michiel Schwarz Rating 6


updated 1996