Doors of Perception 4   S P E E D   - B O O K L I S T -

The Chicago Gangster Theory of Life: Nature's Debt to Society
by Andrew Ross

Andrew Ross draws links between biological determinism and environmentalism and warns against a tendency 'to wield biological authority as a model for social well-being.' 'The Chicago Gangster Theory of Life' misses very little of the pop culture landscape, and less still of contemporary environmental debate'. It is a sustained and enlightened attack on the perversities of environmentalism. Along the way we are provided with a perceptive analysis of urban poverty, American imperialism in Polynesia, the bombing of the world trade Center in New York and the Gulf war.

Verso New York ISBN 0-86091-429-1 1994
SUBJECT environmental policy; economic aspects; moral and ethical aspects English

Doors4 Category Ecology/Nature/Science
Recommendation John Thackara Rating -


updated 1996