Doors of Perception 4   S P E E D   - B O O K L I S T -

Schöne neue Welten: Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Spielkultur
by Florian Rötzer

This book was published on the occasion of an internaional meeting, called 'Künstliche Spiele', held on 12 and 13 October, 1993 in München. Transcripts and several essays around the themes are published in this report. 'Schöne neue Welten' is a report of the international project 'Künstliche Spiele', München, 1993, which dealt with the following themes: the dimensions of interactive media in science; art and games; the future of mass media and the meaning of playful components in our culture. The exhibition presented different forms of interactive media in the arts and in science and put itself in the context of video- and computer games. The lust to play is regarded from different perspectives: social scientist and psychologists, artists and media theoretics, philosophers and developers in the field of interactive electronic and digital media report about their experiences and make prognoses about the further development of the media culture.

Klaus Boer Verlag München ISBN 3-924963-66-5 1995
SUBJECT interactive media; art; science; games; future of mass media German

Doors4 Category Information Technology/Media
Recommendation John Thackara Rating -


updated 1996