Doors of Perception 4   S P E E D   - B O O K L I S T -

Playing the Future: How Kids' Culture Can Teach Us to Thrive in an Age of Chaos
by Douglas Rushkoff

Can a decreased attention span make us smarter consumers?; how can the Power Rangers get us jobs in the hightech workplace?; could the ultraviolent world of Doom actually be good for our kids? From an emergent guru of cyberculture come surprising answers to these questions and an exuberant, myth-shattering look at our future as seen through the life-styles of today's youth. Rushkoff, who has been called 'the brilliant heir to McLuhan' by 'New Perspecitves Quarterly', draws a welter of remarkably commonsensical conclusions about how we can learn from our kids to flourish in the next millenium - as they will. Ruskoff argues that rather than becoming over-anxious about the computer-driven world, we should take a cue from the younger generations. In his view, kids show us how to embrace the world of computers, by creatively adapting to the new environments and life-styles we are creating.

Harper Collins Publishers New York ISBN 0-06-017310-6 1996
SUBJECT United States - social conditions; children; adjustment psychology; popular culture - social life and customs; life skills English

Doors4 Category Behaviour/Culture; Information Technology/Media
Recommendation Michiel Schwarz Rating 6
Michiel Schwarz: 'Even if Rushkoff's analysis is wrong, he shows us the dominant thinking among techno-culture optimists at the end of the 21st century'.


updated 1996