Doors of Perception 4   S P E E D   - B O O K L I S T -

Het Horizon-Negatief: Essay over dromoscopie
by Paul Virilio and Arjen Mulder

Speed used to be essential for war, but today became its absolute form. Since the industrial transport revolution, which was more a 'speed factory', than a 'machinefactory', fastness became like war. Speed, as the absolute or final war, equals the end of the material world as a threedimensional truth. The world is disappearing as a lover, you forget during a long journey. If the world is just a fake show that can be blown away by time, then speed is the air, the wind of time, a relative wind that sweeps the desert of bodies. It is difficult to imagine a society that will deny the body, as before the soul was denied. However this is the society we are heading for.
It begs the question where that leaves reality. In Virilio's words: " The faster the speed, the quicker reality evaporates."

COMMENT : Translated in Dutch from 'L'horizon négatif', Paris, 1984. Dromology derives from 'dromos', which means 'walking', fastness, the road.

Uitgeverij Duizend & Een Amsterdam ISBN 90-71346-08-0 1989
SUBJECT fastness; time; industrial transport revolution; sociology; philosophy Dutch

Doors4 Category Behaviour/Culture
Recommendation Michiel Schwarz Rating 7
Michiel Schwarz: 'Virilio helps us see that a feature such as speed is not limited to its physical and social dimensions, but is a crucial factor in changing the symbolic order of modern life'.


updated 1996