Doors of Perception 4 S P E E D - B O O K L I S T -
Het Horizon-Negatief: Essay over dromoscopie Speed used to be essential for war, but today became its absolute form. Since the industrial transport revolution, which was more a 'speed factory', than a 'machinefactory', fastness became like war. Speed, as the absolute or final war, equals the end of the material world as a threedimensional truth. The world is disappearing as a lover, you forget during a long journey. If the world is just a fake show that can be blown away by time, then speed is the air, the wind of time, a relative wind that sweeps the desert of bodies. It is difficult to imagine a society that will deny the body, as before the soul was denied. However this is the society we are heading for. COMMENT : Translated in Dutch from 'L'horizon négatif', Paris, 1984. Dromology derives from 'dromos', which means 'walking', fastness, the road.