Welcome to the Doors of Perception conferences website where the substantive contents of the Doors of Perception conferences 1-5 are available for you to read.
Doors has acquired its reputation from the variety of disciplines and backgrounds from which speakers contribute: here are scientists, designers, philosophers, gurus, critics, misanthropes, and true world changing believers, from five continents. They disagree on most issues - but are united in their determination to address this question: "what are the Internet, information technology and multimedia *for*?" They keep it a live question, so this remains a live site: as was once remarked, "Doors is a journey, not a hole in the wall."
about this website
The history of this site is certainly a familiar one. Not long after the introduction of graphical browsers in 1994 we started this website in 'studenticle' enthusiasm. Doors of Perception 1 in 1993 had produced the CDrom "DoProm" which became an international succes. In tune with the technological development we decided to publish the proceedings of the following Doors of Perception (@home in 1994) as a website - and couldn't stop since. Yet, at that time nobody was experienced so we needed to learn the hard way which assets were needed, what tasks were to be defined, what content was suitable, and what was proper web design for a splendid conference like this. Our innocence and hungry approach unavoidably resulted in a bit of a mess...
Nowadays we pride ourselves in thinking we know what is involved in producing a website: conception, organisation, content classification, architecture, information structure, solving compatibility issues, keeping up to date with new developments, and last but not least serious management and maintenance policies. (Hey!, and sexy design! We'll change it tomorrow if you wish!)
From the 1994 enthusiasm we developed pro attitudes. We have a proper web-team led by its editor and we still work in close collaboration with our webdesigners and consultants at VanRiet o.p.
DoorsAll today contains the equivalent of an 800 page book, or some 350,000 words spoken here in Amsterdam over a five year period. We shouldn't mention it ourselves, but it *is* a rich source.
This website largely is a reading environment. We made it visual when possible and readable when necessary, clear when crucial, and poetic when relevant. We hope you enjoy its new design and organisation.
Kristi van Riet
Jouke Kleerebezem
Web Design and production:
- (untill Doors 5, 1998) Michael Samyn, and Kristi van Riet
- (for Doors 6, 2000) Doors of Perception communications Kristi van Riet
Production Coordination: Jouke Kleerebezem and Kristi van Riet
Hosting and Programming Support: Webtic, Amsterdam