Laura Balbo
Laura Balbo was one of the speakers at the Launch Event of Doors 3.
Lauro Balbo, former member of the Italian Parliament, Milan, teaches Sociology
at the University of Ferrara and is the president of the International Association
for the Study of Racism (IASR). She has lectured at universities and scientific
institutions in Europe and North America. She is the editor of a yearly
report on Italian society entitled Friendly, Almanacco della Società
Italiana, 1993/1994. She has been a consultant on several occasions with
the European Office of the World Health Organization and with Unesco.
Her books include:
- 1991: Tempi di vita. Studi e proposte per combiarli
- 1993: Razzismi. Un vocabolario (with L. Manconi )
- 1987: Time to Care in Tomorrow's Welfare Systems (with Helga Nowotny)
updated 29-09-96