Gillian Crampton Smith

Gillian Crampton Smith has moderated the workshop Mapping Global Processes at Doors 3. Also Mrs Crampton Smith was a speaker at the first Doors of Perception in 1993

Gillian Crampton Smith, Royal College of Art, UK, is professor of interaction design, a two year postgraduate programme with a mix of disciplines (architects, designers, software engineers, etc) which is one of the four or five more interesting places for people acting and thinking about the subject of interaction design. The course receives research funding from Interval Research (David Liddle, Joy Mountford, Brenda Laurel and others). Ms. Crampton Smith earned a degree in History of Art and Philosophy at Cambridge University, after which she worked as a graphic designer on book and magazine design. In an article by Rick Poynor about Ms. Crampton Smith in I.D. Magazine (`The Hand that Rocks the Cradle', May, June 1995), the author mentions three essentials of her approach: `that information technology is driven by people and not by the technology itself; that it has a social and ethical dimension and thirdly, that the aesthetic dimension is a fundamental and not an afterthought.'

Her publications include:


updated 29-09-96