Arthur Elsenaar
Arthur Elsenaar was born in 1962 in Naarden, Holland. He has founded and worked with free radio and television stations throughout the Netherlands. His first art show was in 1990 at the SISEA symposium in Groningen. Since then he has shown various interactive installations at Ars Electronica 1991 (Linz, Austria) and at a group exhibition, Image du Future'91 (Montreal, Canada). In 1992 he made a sculpture for the Dutch PTT's HD Building in Groningen and he attended the European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück (Germany.)

He graduated from Groningen's Minerva Academy last year as a digital artist with a highly impressive interactive body act Body Convention. Body Convention has amongst other places been exhibited at the Gallery Fons Welters (Amsterdam, The Netherlands).With Body Convention members of the public activate radar sensors which trigger electrical stimulation of his facial and body muscles, pulling them into spasms and jerks. Startling, maybe even gruesome, but according to him, not painful - "but it tingles a bit."

Arthur Elsenaar can be reached at: Schuitendiep 1020, 9711 RJ Groningen, fax: 050-136467

updated 29-09-96