Vincent Grosso
Vincent Grosso is Director of Interactive Services for AT&T's Consumer Video Services.

Mr. Grosso is a graduate of Loyola University of New Orleans' School of Communications. Before coming to AT&T. He was President of Louisiana Video Productions, a video production and post production house. At AT&T, Mr. Grosso headed up AT&T's Corporate TV efforts which included the production of over 300 television programs and a live video text news service, as well as the programming and construction of AT&T's private satellite network. He also was responsible for assessing new business opportunities in electronic media for AT&T's efforts on the recently announced AT&T/Viacom joint trial of interactive TV services in Castro Valley, California

and is AT&T Project Director for Interactive TV.

Vincent Grosso can be reached at:
fax: +1 201 564 3512

updated 29-09-96