Ross Harley

Ross Harley was a presenter in the Open Doors 3 event at Doors of Perception 3.

Ross Harley, artist, Australia, is a Sydney-based mutimedia artist and writer who crashes old and new media into the history and future of design. He has created videos and art projects for exhibition since 1986, and has made a number of innovative videos on the work of contemporary artists. His own media projects have been widely exhibited in Australia and abroad, including `The Digital Garden III' at Ars Electronica `93, and `Drive: Motion Landscapes' (1994-1995), currently touring Asia and Australia as part of the exhibition `Alternative Realities'. He has written widely on music, cinema, art and popular culture and is a former editor of the critical journal ART+TEXT. He presently lectures in theatre and film studies at the University of New South Wales and is a corresponding editor for the UK publication Converge: The Journal of Research into New Media Technologies.


updated 29-09-96