Toshio Iwai
Toshio Iwai was born in Aichi prefecture, Japan, in 1962. As an interactive media artist, Iwai began making experimental animations in 1981, moved on to working with pre-cinematic `toys' such as flip books and zoetropes, and since 1986 has been interested in the computer game as a `visual music system'.

In 1987 he graduated from the Plastic Art and Mixed Media master's course of the University of Tsukuba, Japan and in 1992 he finished the Artist-in-Residence Program at the Exploratorium, San Francisco. His pieces Well of Lights and Music Insects are now in the permanent collection of the Exploratorium.

He became a cult figure in Japan with his computer generated virtual sets for the science news show Einstein TV (1990-91) and his virtual sets and characters for the immensely popular daily interactive children's show for Fuji TV, UgoUgo Lhuga. In 1992 he designed computer operation systems and computer generated virtual sets and characters UgoUgo Lhuga .

His many shows include the Science Art Exhibition at the Japan Pavilion at the Seville EXPO, Spain. He is currently working on an advanced version of his Music Insects for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.

He has had one-person exhibitions mounted in Tokyo, Osaka and Antwerp, Belgium, Germany, and taken part in group exhibitions in Canada, Australia, the San Francisco Exploratorium and the Japan Pavilion at the Seville EXPO, Spain.

Toshio Iwai can be reached at:
fax: +81 3 3957 9631

updated 29-09-96