Ezio Manzini

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Ezio Manzini was a speaker at the Launch Event at Doors 3 and will be a panelist in the Doors 4 (7-8 nov 96) Speed conference.

Ezio Manzini, director, Domus Academy, Milan is an engineer and architect by education. His work focuses on innovative processes in the system of production and consumption and, in particular, on the relationship between product strategies and environmental policies in relation to sustainable development. He is a member of the eco-efficiency task force of the Business Council for Sustainable Development (BSCD). He has conducted courses and conferences in Europe, America, Japan and Australia. His publications include La Materia dell'Invenzione (Arcadia Edizioni, 1986) and Artefatti. Verso una Nuova Ecologia dell'Ambiente Artificiale (Domus Academy Edizioni, 1990), translations of which have appeared in English, French and Spanish.

e-mail: manzini@cdc8g5.cdc.polimi.it

updated 29-09-96