Bert Mulder
Bert Mulder, born in 1952, has a background in psychology, and he studied Informatics and Futurology at the International University of Lugano, Switzerland.

For eight years he was responsible for information systems at Veronica, Holland's largest commercial broadcasting company. Developments there concerned office automation, digital media and work group systems. He was a member of the Apple Technology Partner program that tried to identify and inspire innovative uses of the technology in Europe.

He was an office information systems consultant for the healthcare and manufacturing industries and government, and he also taught and lectured extensively in small and large corporations on the architecture of information systems. He was a participant in two Amsterdam exhibitions in 1991/1992: History of the Electronic Page at the Institute for Contemporary Art and The Living Room gallery.

For several years he organised a series of national and international conferences on cross cultural issues and future studies, which discussed medical ethics, education, new paradigms, and old and new patterns of culture. In addition to his consultancy, Mulder currently teaches at the faculty for Interaction Design in Utrecht and lectures throughout Europe on new media and the architecture of information systems.

Bert Mulder can be reached at:

updated 29-09-96