Louis Rossetto
Louis Rossetto, born in 1949, is Publisher/Editor of Wired, the magazine of Digital Generation which hailed on its launch this year as one of the most impressive independently produced magazines for years and already selling close to 200,000 copies a month.

Rossetto was the founder in 1986 of the legendary Electric Word magazine, widely regarded as a breakthrough publication and "the least boring computer magazine in the world."

He has an BMA in finance and marketing from Columbia University and is the author of the novel TakeOver, and ghost-writer of Ultimate Porno, the story of the making of Caligula. Rossetto has written for the Christian Science Monitor as well as shot video footage during the war in Afghanistan for ABC Television.

Louis Rossetto can be reached at: Wired, 544 Second Street- suite 200, CA 94107,
San Francisco, U.S.A.
fax: 415 - 896 1512, e-mail: Wired@well.(com.)sf.us, compuserve 76630.2345

updated 29-09-96