Chris Ryan
This picture shows Chris Ryan (left) during preparations of the workshops,
explaining to Marco Susani what it's
all about...
Chris Ryan was one of the speakers at the Launch Event at Doors 3 and also
moderator of the workshop Urban Footprints.
Chris Ryan, director, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Australia,
is the director of the National Key Centre for Design at RMIT, a position
he has held since the Centre began in 1989. Educated in physics, he has
worked for many years in science and technology policy and environmental
strategy. Among his many roles as director, he is the principal investigator
in EcoReDesignreg., a major research programme initiated by the Centre,
which aims to improve the environmental performance of manufactured products.
Mr. Ryan occupies the foundation Chair in Design and Environmental Studies
at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and is Adjunct Professor
to the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building at the University of
Technology, Sydney. He has also served as a visiting Professor at the Environment
Section of Industrial Design at the Technical University in Delft. Mr. Ryan
was a member of the EUREKA Expert Design Committee and the UNEP Working
Party on Sustainable Product Development. In November 1993 he was Chair
of the O2 Event in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
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