Ravi Sundaram
Ravi Sundaram was educated at the Department of Sociology of Binghamton University, New York, where he also worked as a Research Associate at the Fernand Braudel Centre for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems and Civilizations. Currently he works as a Research fellow at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies in Delhi, India. His areas of interest include alternative futures, transnational cultural studies and issues of temporality, nationalism and modernity. His current research focusses on globalisation, the new technocultures and the re-working of the national imaginary in South Asia. Issues adressed include those of mapping the various 'cyberpublics', rethinking received notions of 'speed' and travel in the periphery, and the implications of the new Hausmannised techno-city.
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url: DOORS OF PERCEPTION doors@design-inst.nl |