Dave Warner
Dave Warner graduated from San Diego State University in 1986
with a BA in Physical Sciences and is currently enrolled in the PhD program
as a medical neuroscientist at the Human Performance Institute at Loma Linda
University, California.
His interests include the transfer of military, aerospace and entertainment
technology to the field of medicine and education. He demonstrated that
interactive multimedia applications can produce quantitative improvements
in medical treatment, administration and teaching, and also demonstrated
a number of examples, such as a multimedia medical database, and VR Data
Gloves used in physical rehabilitation.
Warner is a member of the editorial board of Virtual Reality Systems Magazine
and director/founder of the Samaritan Project, an organisation dedicated
to the implementation of interactive information technologies in health
care and education.
Dave Warner: Loma Linda University Medical Centre, Human Performance Institute
11406 Loma Linda Drive, PO Box 2000, U.S.A. fax: 909 - 799 6106
e-mail: davew@well.sf.ca.us
updated 29-09-96