Peter Lamborn Wilson
Described as an 'underground anarcho-Sufi' by the Village Voice, Peter Lamborn Wilson's reputation goes back to as early as the late sixties when he wandered North Africa, India and Asia, spending a long time in Iran for his voluminous reading of Islam heretical texts and studying the historical and mystical dimensions of Sufism. New York based Wilson translated Persian poetry, wrote on angels and early American spiritual anarchism and published some pseudonymous manifestos and books (Temporary Autonomous Zone).

As an underground intellectual he is involved in a range of initiatives, including bi-weekly broadcasting his 'Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade' on WBAI, regular lectures at the New York Open Center, being a member of the Autonomedia collective, and author of 'high and low' publications from science fiction zines to 'Studies in Mystical Literature' and his latest collection of essays 'Sacred Drift'.

Peter Lamborn Wilson can be reached at:
fax: + 1 718 9632603

updated 29-09-96