  Open Doors  
  Who Is Who  

The design challenge of pervasive computing
14, 15, 16 November 2002 in Amsterdam

Who has the most exciting, innovative and meaningful project for the future use of pervasive computing? To find out, we are staging an exciting special event on Day 2

Persbericht (NL)


more about Project Presentations
Open Doors Design Grand Prix: Biographies

Open Doors is a three-hour presentation of projects that focus on new uses of pervasive computing. The session is on Friday 15 November (Day Two) at 16:00.

Open Doors Grand Prix
Jussi Angesleva >

Jussi won The People's Voice Award as well as the Jury Award! Jussi is from Royal College of Art/ Media Lab Europe, presents Body Mnemonics, a meta tool for portable devices.

< Shona Kitchen & Ben Hooker, from Royal College of Art, believe there are ways to interface with the complex flows of electronic data that run through our cities: the Altavistas project is a design exploration to test this hypothesis.
Josephine Pletts and Usman Haque >
of Pletts Haque, show through Hardspace and Softspace how the word "architecture" ceases to be a noun: it becomes instead a verb.
Rein Jansma, >
of Zwarts & Jansma, seeks to combine orientation, identity and security in Interactive Carparks.
< Michael Kieslinger 
explains how  fluidtime service provides people with real-time information about their environment, allowing people to adjust their schedules in relation to their surroundings, and to live in a new, more flexible way.
Lavrans Lovlie and Chris Downs >
of Livework,  interwine sustainability and service design in loome (http://www.loome.org/)- your personal information broker.
< Pedro Sepulveda,
from Royal College of Art, explores new landscapes, - scanscapes - emerging in the urban space. How can we create Digital Shelters that will protect us, isolate us or allow us to live with in these Scanscapes?
Esther Polak, Aske Hopman
(Waag Society)
Amsterdam REALTIME (diary in traces) is a pervasive computing artproject, equipping citizens with always-on mobile devices and turning them into cartographers mapping the city. Esther studied graphic art and mixed media and is interested in how technology determines (visual) perception. Aske is coordinator for the Interfacing Access programme of Waag Society.
< Analia Cervini & Juan Kayser, from Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, see pervasive computing as the future body for mobile devices. In Mobile Embodiments their concern is not so much the provision of more intelligence and functionalities, as it is to find the way to give body and significance to its potential use.
Willem Minderhout, >
of Atos Origin, presents New Arcania, a living, flexible community which is supported by digital networks for social economical, cultural and administrative processes.
< Femke Wolting & Bruno Felix,
Principals of Submarine, show the convergence of media in a game where game viewers become crisis managers themselves : Crisis.
Gary McDarby and John Sharry, >
from Media Lab Europe, take Mental Leaps and look at how state of the art non-invasive brain computer interfaces, real-time signal processing, and sensory immersion.
< Victor Vina, from Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, says Design your own Network and proposes a collection of modular, wireless objects, which encourage the creation of self-regulated, distributed, personal networks.
Lizbeth Goodman, >
head of SMARTlab Centre, of Central Saint Martins, shows in Flutterfly how  notions of 'chaos' energy in movement and collaborative energy studies can be worked through in flows and waves.
< Scott Paterson, artist in residence at Eyebeam Atelier, presents PDPal, a project on the idea of a "communicity: " made-up city of individuals who share a subjective and poetic language.
In 'My Life' (transcript),
Pat Rodden,>
of Fiori design, claims people will use pervasive computing technology to fulfill the basic human desire for immortality.
< Ana Dzokic, Milica Topalovic, Marc Neelen, of the STEALTH group, focus on patterns of urban transformations, called urban genetics, in Wild City - Genetics of Uncontrolled Urban Processes.
Casey Reas, >
from Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, presents Living Surfaces: a future of textile and surface design.
< Liselott Brunnberg, from Mobility Studio / Interactive Institute, explores in Backseat Gaming how to use changing scenes and the sense of motion in a highly mobile situation, such as that of a car passenger.
Doris Zoller >
explores new nomadic urbanism in Temporary Private Zone, its three main design principles are the ephemeral, new design tools, and the active participation of the city user.
< Marcus Gosling & Alexander Grünsteidl
from IDEO, describe a future in which optical sensing technologies are pervasive.
Florian Thalhofer and Willem Velthoven >
Mediamatic, present Korsakow syndrom, all those little stories, impressions, bits of information form our view on the world.

Open Doors Design Grand Prix Jury
Petra Schmidt (Form Magazine)
Brenda Laurel (Art Center, California)
Deyan Sudjic (Domus, The Observer)
Chee Pearlman (correspondent of Wired and New York Times)
Ole Bouman (Archis)

At the beginning of this year, the future of Form magazine looked bleak. Its then publisher lost money on a failed dot-com adventure and was in danger of going out of business. Happily an enlightened Swiss publisher, Birkhauser, realised that Form has become too good and too important to lose. This is due in large part to the intelligent leadership of Petra Schmidt who has helped this beautiful magazine make the transition from old design thinking to new.

Brenda Laurel is one of the world's most eminent thinkers and practitioners in interaction design. Formerly a senior researcher at Interval Research, and then a dot-com entrepreneur with her own company, Purple Moon, Brenda is now chair of the graduate programme in media design at Art Center in California. Her book Utopian Enterpreneur features in our Top Ten list of recommended reading.

Deyan Sudjic, has to be one of the most productive editors, critics and all-round design power brokers we know. Deyan is the editor of Domus Magazine, architecture editor of The Observer in the UK, and the director of this year's of the Venice Archiecture Biennale. Next, the massive catalogue for the Biennnale which Deyan edited in three months flat earlier this year, is the fastest-selling catalogue in the Biennale's history.

Chee Pearlman is the former editor of ID magazine, in the US. Having inherited a parochial and little-noticed trade magazine, Chee turned ID Magazine into the world's smartest and most insightful design magazine with an influence that extended far beyond the design profession. When ID was sold last year and moved to Cincinnatti Ohio, Chee, an inveterate New Yorker, did not feel able to follow and moved up in the world to become a contributing editor to Wired and the New York Times.

Chairing the jury is Ole Bouman. He is editor of Archis magazine. Ole has been able, with Archis, to achieve a not-so-minor miracle: to shift the focus of architectural publishing away from an obsession to buildings as spectacle, towards an insightful exploration of the interaction between real and virtual spaces in an age of networks. If you have not already bought your copy, you can buy the special issue of Archis on Flow at the bookshop

updated Monday 31 March 2003
Address: Wibauthuis, Wibautstraat 3 • 1091 GH, Amsterdam
The Netherlands • T +31 20 596 3220 • F +31 20 596 3202
Doors of Perception 2002. We are happy for this text to be copied and distributed, as long as you include this credit: "From Doors of Perception: www.doorsofperception.com".
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