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Doors of Perception 7

Unlike traditional industry events, a Doors conference is about knowledge exchange and building up a community. It is not about hyping or selling products. We want to partner with companies and individuals who are sympathetic to our approach and will take an intelligent, long-term approach to communicating with and among the Doors community. If you can relate to such an approach, and like the look of the content and the crowd at Doors, read our full sponsorship policy at
or send your email to: sponsorship@doorsofperception.com

European Commission
DG Information Society Technologies
(Future and Emerging Technologies)
Ministerie van Economische Zaken
(Dutch ministry of Economic Affairs)
Directoraat Generaal, Telecommunicatie en Post
Directorate-General for Telecommunications and Post

Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen
(Dutch ministry of Education, Culture and Science)

Gemeente Amsterdam / The City of Amsterdam

Mediamatic Amsterdam

Jan van Eyck Academie, Post-Academic Institute, Maastricht

Beam Systems, Amsterdam
Premsela Dutch Design Foundation
Premsela Stichting voor Nederlandse vormgeving

With warm and special thanks to

OUR VOLUNTEERS (click here to see their faces) :
Peter van Amstel, Jorn Baas, Andres Boot, Pepijn Borgwat, Merel Brandon, Erwin Glenn Gerardus van der Burg, Susan Cornelissen, Nicole Dyrda, Jeroen Elstgeest, Sebastiaan Elstgeest, Timbert F.out, Tina Goecken, Rein Groot, Iris van den Hoek, Sander Korteschiel, Judith Kraykamp, Joost van der Molen, Rola Nassar, Dirk van Oosterbosch, Olivier Otten, Shivan Ramdhiansing, Dennis van de Sande, Ton Savenije, Willemijn Schellekens, Anne Schreiber, Robbert Slotman, Patrick Thiemessen, Martijn Voerman, Magali van Wieren, Joost Wijermars, Kimberly van Wijk, Patrick Wilson, Yorn Wynants, Nora van der Ziel

Post Piano, Michiel Post

Consulate General of the Netherlands New York
Robert Kloos, Director for Visual Arts, Architecture & Design

Hotel Jan Luycken, Amsterdam

Event and Media Partners:

V2 Bookshop

updated Monday 31 March 2003
Address: Wibauthuis, Wibautstraat 3 • 1091 GH, Amsterdam
The Netherlands • T +31 20 596 3220 • F +31 20 596 3202
Doors of Perception 2002. We are happy for this text to be copied and distributed, as long as you include this credit: "From Doors of Perception: www.doorsofperception.com".
Want to send us your comments? Email desk@doorsofperception.com