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Amsterdam 2002
What the Press says about Doors7 on Flow


Doors of Perception 7: Flow
took place in Amsterdam in November. Resided over by First Perceptron John Thackara (that means he’s in charge, and no, unfortunately he didn’t have the Gandalf-like outfit you’d expect from such a title) the conference investigated the design challenge of pervasive computing.
read article >>

(in Italian)

Vendere l'identità online
Si chiama "personal data management" ed è una proposta agghiacciante ma intrigante: se la società dell'informazione uccide la privacy, vendiamo i dati personali al miglior offerente.
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(in English)

Perceiving the future?
‘Pervasive computing' promises us a future in which microchips will be embedded in every object. This technology will ‘solve' every ‘problem' by constantly assessing our preferences and consumer habits and instantly adjusting our surroundings to suit, for example with talking fridges that order your groceries when you've run out of milk. But where are such developments leading human society and shouldn't we stop and think about the options first? An unusual conference, held recently in Amsterdam, began addressing some of the questions. read article>>

There is also a Real Media radio interview you can listen to (John Thackara, Janine Benyus, Felice Frankel, JC Herz, Massimo Banzi and Lars Erik Holmquist)

(the Netherlands)

Doors 7: Flow
Onlangs vond al weer de zevende Doors of Perception plaats, de tweejaarlijks manifestatie waar wetenschappers, ondernemers, architecten en kunstenaars drie dagen op het grensvlak van technologie en ontwerp praten over de toekomst. Titel deze keer: Flow: the design challenge of pervasive computing. lees artikel>>


Flytens fartsdumper
Jeg er i Amsterdam for konferansen Flow – vår digitale flytende omgivelse er temaet. En transmoderne verden med stadig transformasjon, transparens og transitt. read article>>


Doors 7: Pervasive Computing gets Perceptive Treatment
"Doors is no ordinary conference. It's not full of researchers describing how it's done, or policy makers saying what it should be, or business people asking where to get more. It is a mix of artists, designers and philosophers given 20 minutes each to describe their contribution and it is mysteriously well-focussed for a tapestry made of so many nebulous and visionary snapshots into people's work. The focus becomes clearer the longer you watch through half-closed eyes, like many other impressionistic phenomena, and that sense of a composite purpose is mostly the work of director, co-ordinator and discussant, John Thackara, the man behind Doors of Perception."read article >>

Doors 7: Body-Shaped Interface wins Grand Prix
The OpenDoorsDesign Grand Prix 2002 at Doors 7 was won by Jussi Angesleva of Media Lab Europe with "Body Mnemonics", described as a meta-tool for portable devices. read article>>

Doors 7: The Value of Half Formed Spaces
In one of the more imagistic pieces of thinking presented at the Doors 7 conference, Philip Tabor of the Bartlett School of Architecture in Italy made a plea for data spaces in which half formed thoughts can be nourished and developed. read article>>


Doors of Perception: Die Computer verschwinden
Am Sonntag wird Bill Gates in Las Vegas die Comdex und dabei ein neues Mantra der Microsoft-Forschung vorstellen: "Smart Objects" sollen unser Leben erleichtern, kluge Uhren zum Beispiel, die neben der Zeit die Wetterprognose und die aktuellen Staumeldungen parat haben. Doch was Microsoft mit großem Aufwand als Innovationen vorstellt, ist bereits antiquiert, ehe es produziert wird. Auf der 7. Doors of Perception zu Amsterdam, einem Denk-in von Computerexperten und Designern, beschäftigen sich rund 900 Teilnehmer seit gestern mit dem Thema Flow: the design challenge of pervasive computing. read article >>


Contact details
E: press@doorsofperception.com (Livia Ponzio)
T: 00 31 20 596 3220
F: 00 31 20 596 3202
W: http://flow.doorsofperception.com

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updated Monday 31 March 2003
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Doors of Perception 2002. We are happy for this text to be copied and distributed, as long as you include this credit: "From Doors of Perception: www.doorsofperception.com".
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