AUTHOR -------------- TITLE
ABERLEY, DOUG (ed.) - Futures by Design: The Practice of Ecological Planning
ALEXANDER, CHRISTOPHER cs. - A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction. 1977
ALEXANDER, CHRISTOPHER - The Timeless Way of Building. 1979
BAECKER, RONALD M. - Groupware and Computer-Supported Coöperative Work
BALLARD, J.G. - Crash
BARNEY, GERALD O. cs. - Managing a Nation: The Microcomputer Software Catalog. 1992
BATCHELOR, RAY - Henry Ford: Mass Production, Modernism and Design
BAYLEY, STEPHEN - Sex Drink and Fast Cars: The creation and consumption of images
BEARDSLY, SALLY - Conversations at the Interface:?Product-People Communication
BENEDICT, MICHAEL cs - Cyberspace First Steps. 1992
BERGER, JOHN / MOHR, JOHN - Another Way of Telling
BERGER, JOHN - And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief as Photos
BERRETT, EDWARD - The Society of Text, Hypertext, Hypermedia, and the Sopcial Construction of Information. 1988
BOER, MARGARETHA DE - Milieu, Ruimte en Wonen: Tijd voor Duurzaamheid
BOLZ, NORBERT - Am Ende der Gutenberg - Galaxis, die Neuen Kommunikationsverhältnisse. 1993
BOYER, M. CHRISTINE - Cybercities: Visual Perception in the Age of Electronic Communication
BROCKMANS, JOHN - The Third Culture: Beyond the Scientific Revolution
BROOK, JAMES / IAIN A. BOAL (eds) - Resisting Virtual Life: The culture and politics of information
CAMPBELL, JEREMY - Grammatical Man: Information, Entropy, Language and Life. 1984
CORBIN, ALAIN - Time, Desire and Horror: Towards a History of the Senses
COTTERILL, RODNEY - No Ghost in the Machine: Modern Science and the Brain, the Mind and the Soul. 1989
COTTON, BOB / OLIVER, RICHARD - Understanding Hypermedia: from Multimedia to Virtual Reality. 1993
CRITCHLOW, KEITH - Order in Space: A Design Source Book. 1976
CURNOW, WYSTAN / MIGNOT, DORINE - Under Capricorn: Art in the Age of Globalisation
DAVIDOW, WILLIAM H. / MALONE, MICHAEL S. - The Virtual Corporation. 1992
DELANY, PAUL / LANDOW, GEORGE P. - Hypermedia and Literary Studies. 1991
DEWDNEY, CHRISTOPHER / KERCKHOVE, DERRICK DE - The Skin of Culture: Investigating the New Electronic Reality
DIX, ALAN / FINLAY, JANET / ABOWD,GREGORY / BAELE, RUSSELL - Human-Computer Interaction. 1993
DILLER, ELIZABETH / SCOFIDIO, RICARDO - Back to the Front: Tourisms of War
DRUCKER, PETER F. - Post-capitalist Society. 1993
DAWKINS, RICHARD - River out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life
DENNETT, DANIEL C. - Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life
DIEREN, WOUTER VAN - Taking Nature into Account: a Report to the Club of Rome
DOVEY, JON - Fractal Dreams: New Media in Social Context
DUTCH COMMITTEE FOR LONGTERM ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY (Ed.) - The Environment: Towards a Sustainable Future
EDITORIALE DOMUS - Alta Velocita' / High Speed: Treni e stazioni / Trains and Stations
FERRY, LUC / VOLK, CAROL - The New Ecological Order
GARDNER, HOWARD - The Mind's New Science: A History of the Cognitive Revolution
GAUDELIER, MAURICE - The Mental and the Material: Thought Economy and Society
GEIßLER, KARLHEINZ A. HELD, MARTIN - Von Rhythmen und Eigenzeiten: Perspektiven eiener Ökologie der Zeit
GELERNTER, DAVID - Mirror Worlds, or: the Day Software Puts the Universe in a Shoebox... 1992
GENGLE, DEAN - The Netwaver's Sourcebook: A Guide to Micro Networking and Communications. 1984
GIDDENS, ANTHONY - Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age
GREENFIELD, KARL TARO - Speed Tribes: Children of the Japanese Bubble
GRONEMEYER, MARIANNE - Das Leben als Letzte Gelegenheit: Sicherheitsbedürfnisse und Zeitknappheit
GUATTARI/ DELEUZE - A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism & Schizophrenia
HARAWAY, DONNA - Simians, Cyborgs, and Women 1991
HAWKEN, PAUL - The Ecology of Commerce: How Business can save the Planet
HEIM, MICHAEL - The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality. 1993
HALLOWELL, RONAN - Rave, Ritual and the Rebirth of Celebration
HARASIM, LINDA M. - Global Networks: Computers and International Communication
HILLMAN, MAYER / PLOWDEN, STEPHEN - Speed Control and Transport Policy
HOLLAND, JOHN, H. - Hidden Order: How Adaption Builds Complexity
IDCA - The New Business of Design: The Forty-fifth International Design Conference in Aspen
ILLICH, IVAN - Tools for Conviviality, Energy and Equity
JACOBSON, LINDA cs. - Cyber Arts, Exploring Art & Technology. 1992
JARMAN, DEREK - Derek Jarman's Garden
JOHANSEN, ROBERT - Groupware: Computer Support for Business Teams. 1988
JOHNSON, professor P. - Human-Computer Interaction: Psychology, Task Analysis and Software Engineering. 1992
KAUFFMAN, STUART - At Home in the Universe: The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity
KELLY, KEVIN - Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines
KERCKHOVE, DERRICK DE - Brainframes, Technology, mind and business. 1991
KERCKHOVE, DERRICK DE (Dewdney, Christopher, ed.) - The Skin of Culture:Investigating the New Electronic Reality
KERN, STEPHEN - The Culture of Time and Space 1880-1918
KITTLER, FRIEDRICH - Draculas Vermächtnis. Technische Schriften. 1993
KROKER / WEINSTEIN - Data Trash: The Theory of the Virtual Class Smelling the Virtual Flowers and counting the Road-kill on the Digital Superhighway
KRUEGER, MYRON W. - Artificial Reality II. 1991
KWINTER, SANFORD - Rem Koolhaas: Conversations with Students
LANHAM, RICHARD - The Electronic Word: Democracy, Technology, and Arts. 1993
LANDOW, GEORGE P. - Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology
LATOUR, BRUNO / PORTER, CATHERINE - Aramis: Or the Love of Technology
LAUREL, BRENDA - The Art of Human Computer Interface Design. 1991
LAUREL, BRENDA - Computers as Theatre. 1993
MACDONALD, LINDSAY / VINCE, JOHN - Interacting with Virtual Environments. 1994
MANN, A.T. - Sacred Architecture
MCKIBBEN, BILL - The Age of Missing Information. 1993
MCLUHAN, MARSHALL - Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. 1994
MITCHELL, C. THOMAS - New Thinking in Design: Conversations on Theory and Practice
MITCHELL, WILLIAM J. - The Reconfigured Eye, Visual Truth in the Post-Photographic Era. 1992
MITCHELL, WILLIAM J. - City of Bits Space, Place, and the Infobahn
McLUHAN, MARSHAL - Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man
MORE, THOMAS - Utopia: The Classic Vision of a People's Commonwealth
MOSER, MARY ANNE / MACLEOD, DOUGLAS - Immersed in Technology: Art and Virtual Environments
NIELSEN, JACOB - Hyper Text & Hyper Media. 1993
NORMAN, DONALD A. - The Design of Everyday Things. 1990
NORMAN, DONALD A. - Things that make us smart: defending Human Attributes in the Age of the Machine. 1993
NORMAN, DONALD A. - Turn Signals are the Facial Expressions of Automobiles. 1992
PAPERT, SEYMOUR - The Children's Machine: rethinking School in the Age of the Computer. 1993
PFOHL, STEPHEN - Death at the Parasite Café: Social Science (Fictions) and the Postmodern
REICHHOLF, JOSEF H. - Erfolgsprinzip Fortbewegung: Die Ecvolution des Laufens, Fliegens, Schwimmens und Grabens
RHEINGOLD, HOWARD - The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier. 1993
RHEINGOLD, HOWARD - The Virtual Community: Finding connection in a Computerized World. 1994
RHEINGOLD, HOWARD - Tools for Thought: The History and Future of Mind-Expanding Technology. 1985
RIFKIN, JEREMY - Time Wars: The primary conflict in human history
ROSS, ANDREW - Strange Weather: Culture, science and technology in the age of limits
ROSS, ANDREW - The Chicago Gangster Theory of Life: Nature's Debt to Society
ROSS, KRISTIN - Fast Cars, Clean Bodies: Decolonization and the Reordering of French Culture
ROSZAK, THEODORE / GOMES, MARY E. / KANNER, ALLEN D. (Ed.) - Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind
RöTZER, FLORIAN - Schöne neue Welten: Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Spielkultur
RUSHKOFF, DOUGLAS - Playing the Future: How Kids' Culture Can Teach Us to Thrive in an Age of Chaos
RYBCZYNSKI, WITOLD - Home: A Schort History of an Idea
SACHS, WOLFGANG - For Love of the Automobile: Looking back at the history of our desires
SACHS, WOLFGANG - The Development Dictionary: A Guide to Knowledge as Power
SACHS, WOLFGANG - Global Ecology: A New Arena of Political Conflict
SALE, KIRKPATRICK - Rebels Against the Future: The Luddites and their war on the industrial revolution, lessons for the computer age
SCHAMA, SIMON - Landscape and Memory
SCHNEIDERMAN, BEN - Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction. 1992
SCHOR, JULIET - The Overworked American: The unexpected decline of leisure
SCHRAGE, MICHAEL - Shared Minds: the New Technologies of Collaboration. 1990
SCHRAGE, MICHAEL - No More Teams: Mastering the Dynamics of Creative Collaboration
SCHROEDER, RALPH - Possible Worlds: The Social Dynamic of Virtual Reality Technology
SCHULER, DOUGLAS - New Community Networks: Wired for Change
SOJA, EDWARD W. - Postmodern Geographies: The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory
STEPHENSON, NEAL - Snow Crash. 1993
STONE, ALLUCQUèRE ROSANNE - The War of Desire and Technology at the Close of the Mechanical Age
SUDIJC, DEYAN - The 100 Mile City. 1993
TALL, DEBORAH - From Where We Stand: Recovering a Sense of Place
TAYLOR, MARK C. / SAARINEN, ESA - Imagologies: Media Philosophy. 1994
THACKARA, JOHN - Lost in Space: A Traveller's Tale
TICHI, CECELIA - Shifting Gears: Technology, literature, culture in modernist America
TOFFLER, ALVIN - Future Shock
TUAN, YI-FU - Passing Strange and Wonderful: Aesthetics, Nature, and Culture. 1993
TUFTE, EDWARD R. - Envisioning Information. 1992
TUFTE, EDWARD R. - The visual Display of Quantitative Information. 1993
VATTIMO, GIANNI - The Transparent Society. 1992
VIRILIO, PAUL / MULDER, ARJEN - Het Horizon-Negatief: Essay over dromoscopie
VIRILIO, PAUL / POLIZZOTTI, MARK - Speed and Politics: An Essay on Dromology
VIRILIO, PAUL / ROSE, JULIE - The Art of the Motor
VIRILIO, PAUL / ROSE, JULIE - The Vision Machine
WEST, THOMAS G. - In the Minds Eye, Visual Thinkers, Gifted People with Learning Difficulties... 1991
WILSON, ALEXANDER - The Culture of Nature: North American Landscape from Disney to the Exxon Valdez
WOODHEAD, NIGEL - Hypertext & Hypermedia: Theory and Applications. 1991
WUPPERTAL INSTITUTE - Zukunftsfähiges Deutschland: Ein Beitrag zu einer global nachhaltigen Entwicklung
YOUNG, MICHAEL - The Metronomic Society: Natural Rhythms and Human Timetables
ZUBOFF, SHOSHANA - In the Age of the Smart Machine. The Future of Work and Power. 1988
ZUCKERMANN, WOLFGANG / BROWN, LESTER - End of the Road: From World Car Crisis to Sustainable Transportation

updated 29-5-1998